Growing Together

Growing Together!

Grateful for Our Giving Community

We’re celebrating growing together for more than 40 years!

In 1984 families of loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities had a vision: to found Langton Green, an alternative to traditional institutions.

Today, we pride ourselves on our amazing community.

We are so grateful to each of you for your extraordinary generosity and kindness. Langton Green is a giving community and we appreciate the contributions that each person shares. We have so many strengths: dedication to our mission, professional excellence, and compassion for the individuals we support.

While it is easy to say that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and on the autism spectrum have the right to live full lives, it takes a village – it takes hard work, expertise, evidence-based practices enlightened by individual choices and needs, dedication, and compassion –to help people have rewarding and productive lives.

This is what we do! Thanks to our extraordinary community we are growing together and touching lives each day.

We listen respectfully and respond appropriately. We learn and teach. We coach and practice, and we provide support with dignity. Independence is always the ultimate goal. We are passionate to protect the rights of the people we serve, including their right to live as full members of their community and society.

We celebrate and appreciate our incredible team. Our staff supported the individuals in our care with true compassion, dedication and the kind of caring that makes Langton a “home away from home” for those we support.

We are so fortunate to have an extraordinary community of volunteers, donors, and giving partners. Thanks to generous gifts and support we are experiencing exciting growth!

At Langton Green, we are in this together! We stand true to our mission –today, tomorrow, and in the future.


“I believe that service to humanity is the best work of life.  The world would be a better place if we can strive to make someone around us happy.  No matter how little, just give.”     -Moses Newman


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