Now that the clocks have moved forward, extra hours of daylight bring a new level of bustling activity at Langton Green Community Farm. “Around the Park” columnist Sharon Lee Tegler recently spent a day at the Langton Green Community Farm! Read her story: “Langton Green Community Farm Welcomes Spring with New Farm Manager, Successful Seed Propogation Operation.”
Mark your calendars for special happenings this spring and summer at Langton Green Community Farm!
Members of the wider community are welcome to take a tour, meet the farmers, learn about volunteer opportunities at our therapeutic care farm –and more. Our 13-acre sustainable Farm provides vocational training and work opportunities for interested individuals while serving as a source of food and income for Langton Green –and a resource for the wider community.
CSA sign-up begins March 17! Discover our fresh, sustainable produce. Learn more at
Spring Plant Sale: May 3, 10 am – 2 pm. We will be selling vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruit plants to help get your garden growing.
First Saturdays: Starting in June, through October, 10 am – 2 pm.
- Look for announcements of fun family events, like storytime and crafts.
- Produce sales include our fresh, sustainable produce (also available through our CSA and online ordering) and fresh flowers, and more.
Free community garden plots: We have ground beds with 10 x 15’ and 20 x 25’ plots and raised beds ready to go! Please contact us to reserve a plot today.
Volunteer at the Farm: We welcome volunteers 18 years or older to help with weeding, pruning, harvesting and animal care. Come grow with us!
Farm Announcements: Stay up to date on our activities via Facebook (Langtongreencommunityfarm) and our CSA website.