“Why do I give to Langton Green? I often tell the story of a resident, Joe, I met while volunteering at the Langton Green Community Farm. He works at Safeway on weekdays and goes to the farm on the weekend. This really struck me. I wondered, “What makes Joe love being at the farm so much that he is willing to go there on his day off?” Well, for one thing, he likes putting his hands in the dirt and creating something. (Who doesn’t? There is something very special and grounding about that.) He proudly shows off what he grows saying, “This is ‘my’ squash,” or eggplant, or watermelon. He knows he gets to give back, to provide something of value to others, whether his produce is sold to customers or served on the tables of Langton Green residences.
Most important, at the farm, Joe is not hidden in some backroom or kept on
the sidelines of a company. Many employers keep people like Billy hidden from the public eye, working as a dishwasher or cleaning the parking lot. At the farm, people like Joe can make a difference and are encouraged to do so in ways that are visible to everyone.”— Mary, Donor & Volunteer
Come grow with us and make a gift today.
When you make a charitable donation to Langton Green you provide an important community service by supporting residential programs and vocational training for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Many of the individuals we serve would otherwise not have homes or the chance to learn job skills.
There are many ways you can make a donation. Your gift is most appreciated and will help Langton Green continue to be a leader in providing support and care for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
In-Kind Contributions
Langton Green has specific needs for donated goods and services. These include items that enrich the lives of our residents. While many of our residents receive state and federal funding to cover essential services and supports, they still need many "extras" that are also essentials. Our generous donors make this possible.
Here are a few examples of the good and services generous individuals and businesses in the community donate to Langton Green. Please contact us to learn about specific needs for specific activities and residences.
- Teach a class (music, art, yoga — to name a few)
- Landscaping
- Exterior and interior painting
- Gift cards
- Art supplies
- Movie-ticket gift cards
- Office supplies
- Farm equipment and supplies for Langton Green Community Farm
- Wooden or wrought-iron park benches
- Patio furniture sets for houses
- Furniture for interior of houses
- Books and magazine subscriptions for individuals receiving services
- Medical supplies and equipment not covered by insurance and other benefits
- Film equipment (camera, tripod, accessories )
- iPads or tablets for use by individuals receiving services
- Mp3 players for individuals receiving services as part of music therapy
- Television sets
It’s easy to make a gift to Langton Green online. Thank you for your generous support!
Online Donations
Please use the handy DonorBox link below. Please consider making a gift using your bank or credit card. You can join our Circle of Giving and make a one-time gift or set up an automatic, recurring gift to Langton Green each month or each year. Donations will be processed by PayPal.
You can also donate by shopping online through Amazon's "Amazon Smile" program and with"iGive" and "GoodShop". A portion of your purchase price goes to Langton Green at no cost to you. Joining both is free, and can be used year-round (holiday shopping is a great time!). To participate, click any of the buttons below to get started. Choose Langton Green as your favorite cause and that's all there is to it. We thank you!
Amazon Smile
When you shop at smile.amazon.com, Amazon donates to the charitable organization of your choice.
Switch Your Amazon Smile Beneficiary to Langton Green Now
Every time you shop at any of the 1,900+ online stores in the iGive network, a portion of the money you spend benefits Langton Green. It's a free service, and you'll never pay more when you reach a store through iGive. In fact, smart shoppers will enjoy iGive's repository of coupons, free shipping deals, and sales. To get started, just create your free iGive account.
Goodshop Gumdrop
There's a new add-on for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox called Gumdrop. It saves you money while helping Langton Green. Once you add it using the button below, every time you shop online:
- Goodshop Gumdrop will search through more than 500,000 coupons/deals to automatically bring you the best discounts wherever you shop online.
- A portion of each participating sale will be automatically donated to Langton Green for FREE!
To date, Goodshop has saved shoppers more than $100 million and raised more than $12 million for causes like ours. It's been featured by Good Morning America, Oprah Magazine, the New York Times and more!
Honor a special person or occasion with your gift. Make a gift in memory of an individual at Langton Green or honor the memory of someone special in your life. The individual who is honored receives a letter acknowledging the gift; if the individual is deceased the family will receive a tribute letter.
Gifts of Gratitude: You can acknowledge one or more of our dedicated staff and volunteers who care for the individuals we serve at Langton Green. The staff or volunteer will receive a letter acknowledging your gift.
Will & Estate Gifts/ Bequests: A bequest is a gift from your estate — a transfer of cash, securities, or other property made through your estate plans. You can make a bequest to Langton Green by including language in your will or living trust leaving a portion of your estate to Langton Green, Inc., or by designating Langton Green, Inc. as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy. Consult with your financial advisor to learn how these and other types of planned gifts may allow you to avoid probate and reduce inheritance taxes.
Online Shopping
Matching Workplace Gifts
Langton Green welcomes businesses and nonprofits that have matching gifts programs through which they will match the dollar amount of a gift made by an individual to Langton Green.
Corporate Partners & Sponsors
Your organization can give back to our community and receive visibility at our events. Langton Green welcomes corporate partners for its events. For more information on sponsorship and partnership opportunities please contact us.
Langton Green has a vibrant community of volunteers. Please contact us to learn more about the ways you can join in and share a special expertise and your enthusiasm with Langton Green
Support our community. Come grow with us.
Langton Green welcomes support in the form of grants and is grateful for the generous support we have received from funding organizations. Please contact us for more information.
Thank you to our grantors for their generous support!
- Anne Arundel County Department of Health
- Civitan of Annapolis
- Civitan of Glen Burnie
- Wood Presbyterian Church
- Ruritans-Davidsonville
- Wawa Foundation
- Constellation Energy
- Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation-Runways to Success
- Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission
Our Employee Give-Back Program
How incredible is it that staff from our agency give their hard-earned money back to the individuals we support? We had our first Funding Committee for the Employee Give Back Program, and we are very excited about what this program can do. The committee plans two cycles per year. Spring and Fall.
How Does it Work?
Agency employees can make a regular donation through payroll deduction to our Give Back Fund, then twice a year, staff can request funds for a specific purpose to benefit their consumers, or their home. A committee of volunteer direct-care and administrative staff will review the requests and determine which of the requests receive funding. It’s that simple.
Employees request special items for agency homes, money to cover events and activities for consumers who don’t have the personal funds to pay for, or anything you can think of that is of direct benefit to our consumers but isn’t covered under normal funding sources. Employees can do a recurring contribution OR a one-time donation, As a non-profit organization, donating to Langton Green’s Give Back Program is tax deductible, and at the end of each year everyone who donates will receive documentation to declare the donation on their taxes.