New Friends Move in Together

Langton Green is a haven.  It is both a “home away from home” and a first-time home for those who have nowhere else to go.  Some arrive at Langton in crisis – these individuals may have lost a family member or be in urgent need of a safe, supportive environment. Others, like those who move in this summer, are ready to make the transition from their parent’s home to their first independent living situation.

To ease the transition, Langton’s staff offer professional support and warmth every step of the way. This process often begins months before the move-in date.

Langton welcomes two young women who arrived in July!

They arrived ready to make new friends and decorate their new apartment together. One moved out of her grandfather’s home (he helped raise her) and both have just graduated from high school. Like most young adults, they are ready to move into an adult setting that offers opportunities for independence, friendships –and fun.

“To help the transition, I facilitated a Zoom meeting with the two girls to make sure they were a good match,” says Karen Chase, the Program Administrator who manages all new admissions at Langton Green.

“When the women met, they instantly became fast friends and were immediately planning outings to go on together –like bowling, shopping, and concerts –and fun activities to do at home.  They are both excited to move to Langton Green because of each other!”  This will be the first time these young ladies have received DDA adult services.

For these millennials, moving to Langton means doing the things that any young adult would do to get an apartment “move-in” ready.  “While we were waiting for the official start date, we focused on fun things, like determining how to decorate the house and their rooms!  This is the fun part! We want them to feel at home, because Langton is their home!” says Chase.

Chase makes every effort to find a good “fit” for new roommates. “It doesn’t always work this way –with two new individuals moving in together. In this case, we had an empty house and were able to try and pair roommates that we thought would be an ideal fit. It turned out to be a perfect fit!”

“When these two women met, they instantly became fast friends and were immediately planning outings to go on together –like bowling, shopping, and concerts -and fun activities to do at home.  They are both excited to move to Langton Green because of each other!”

-Karen Chase, Program Administrator