Little Langton Library

Little Free Libraries are popping up across the country and now Langton Green is on the map!  The Little Langton Library, located near the new outdoor Pavilion, is stocked with DVDs, books, games, and puzzles!

When the idea for the library came up at an Employee Give-Back (EGB) meeting, staff heartily endorsed the idea and provided funds to get the Little Langton Library started. Through EGB, staff donate funds that are earmarked for special requests and “extras” that individuals at Langton Green greatly appreciate. These individuals and staff often share ideas, like the Little Free Library, for EGB to consider.

Employee Give-Back paid for the supplies to construct the Little Free Library and contribute its first books. In the spirit of Little Free Libraries across the country, everything else has been donated by staff  and found through online sites that “freecycle”  books, electronics, video games, and DVDs.

“I have enough DVDs in my office to continue to stock the Little Library for a many months!” says Karen Chase, chief service officer at Langton Green.

Chase is excited about this new resource for individuals at Langton Green.

“Langton’s Little Library is fully stocked with books, DVDs, and various games and activities,” she says “Last week, as I walked by the Pavilion, I saw a staff member reading a book to two of our residents. It’s great to see the benefits of the Little Library in action!  Residents and staff are encouraged to check back regularly to the new things in it!”

Little Free Library has a mission: to reach every community with a book for every reader, to empower each reader through the discovery of personally relevant books, a discovery that is not limited by time, space, or privilege.

“Langton’s Little Library is fully stocked with books, DVDs, and various games and activities! . . .Last week, as I walked by the Pavilion, I saw a staff member reading a book to two of our residents. It’s great to see the benefits of the Little Library in action! ” -Karen Chase, Chief Service Officer