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Langton Green is fortunate to have dedicated, talented leadership and is grateful for the contributions of its board members.  This… Read More

Langton Green is fortunate to have dedicated, talented leadership and is grateful for the contributions of its board members.  This… Read More

The new wash station is up and running!  Thanks to a generous grant from the Phillips Charitable Foundation, Inc. contractors… Read More

Langton Green is a haven.  It is both a “home away from home” and a first-time home for those who… Read More

We’ve been building more than relationships at Langton Green Community Farm!  This winter, contractors put the finishes touches on a… Read More

The holidays are a special time at Langton Green. Our caring community embraces “home away from home” with a personal… Read More

Langton Green is a giving community. We celebrate giving every day – and especially on Giving Tuesday, the first Tuesday… Read More

Langton Green’s 2019 Community Report celebrates our commitment to the individuals we support. At Langton Green we are committed to… Read More

It’s “back-to-school” season!  Yet public schools remain closed and for Langton Green, programs for seniors and daytime activities for adults… Read More

Building community during the pandemic happens in many ways --generous cash and in-kind donations, kind words of appreciation --and funding… Read More

“Heroes Work Here!  Thank you Team Langton!”  Spirit Week at Langton Green kicked off on May 4 when these signs… Read More

Langton Green’s printer sources urgently needed PPE gear! How can human service organizations like Langton Green find PPE gear to… Read More

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